Qualcon 2023 was held at Deakin University Waterfront Campus from 11-13 October 2023
* * Stayed tune for more information coming soon about Qualcon 2025 * *
Quality 5.0: People, Processes and Performance with Integrity
As the Conference Chair for Qualcon® 2023, I’d like to officially welcome and invite everyone in our AOQ ecosystem to join us in Geelong in October.
In Australia especially, we tend to be forward thinking, early adopters of ideas and I’m pleased that this is reflected in the theme for this year’s conference. We’re charging beyond Quality 4.0, which looked at applying technology into quality. Quality 5.0 views Quality through a much more human-centred approach and looks to support society. Quality 5.0 considers disparate issues such as human-robot collaboration, development of sustainable and resilient systems and human centricity.
We are working on developing an exciting, interactive and engaging program of formal presentations, workshops, networking and social events. Our pre-conference workshops on 11 October 2023 will be collaborative and interactive spaces to develop and learn. The 2 days of speakers and presentations on 12 and 13 October will be a fantastic opportunity for hearing new and different insights into the people, processes, and performance elements of Quality and how integrity should underpin these elements.
The conference will be held in the beautiful grounds of the Deakin University Waterfront campus. Against the backdrop of Geelong as a place of innovation and new technologies, it will be a great place to consider the here and now of Quality and the possibilities for the future.
We’ll be calling for presentations and sponsors and opening registrations soon. Now is the time to think about how you would like to be involved.
Look out for upcoming announcements and the launch of the conference website over the coming months.
I hope to see you in Geelong in October!
Maree Stuart
Conference Chair

Recently, Michael Williams from Geelong Quality Council invited Maree Stuart to discuss all things Qualcon as part of GQC’s first podcast.
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